Friday, October 21, 2011

Canvas Impact

Recently the Baptist Collegiate Ministry had a special night of art, expression, and unplugged worship. In an acoustic setting, we got the praise the Lord in alternative ways. We worshiped through live painting, singing, and sign language. A silent auction was also held. Photographs, ceramic pieces and paintings. All donations and auction proceeds went towards missions! I was privileged with the opportunity to be one of the artists live painting on stage for and hour and a half.
Before the event I prepare my canvas by drawing out Jesus' face and painting it black.
I then covered the face in plastic and painted white over the entire canvas.
When I set up on stage, all the audience saw was a plain white canvas, the face underneath was unknown to them.
All I did on stage was finger-paint a ton of color onto the canvas.
Painting, signing, praising
Once the plastic was the removed, Jesus was revealed
Messy hands!

The painting was sold for $180. All proceeds given to further the ministry of our Lord.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Part of the Bucket List

I really want to travel and see the world!
Here are a few places that I want to see before I die.
The Great Barrier Reef
The Golden Gate Bridge
The Taj Mahal
The Tower of Pisa
The Colosseum
The Stonehenge

The Little Mermaid
Big Ben
The London Eye
The Grand Canyon
The Northern Lights
The Eiffel Tower
The Statue of Liberty
The Great Pyramids
London Bridge

So I have been able to cross a few places off my list.
The Great Wall
Niagara Falls
The White House
The Capitol Building

Monday, August 15, 2011

Well…I now have an apartment and I am really loving it. I have awesome roomies and neighbors. I am very excited for all the adventures that are in store for the next few years. God has truly blessed me.
I am also excited about having room enough to evenly space out all the hangers in my closet.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Penny Jar

I've started a penny jar
All my spare pennies will be going into my new penny jar

And then when it's all full…I'll buy something…. ;)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Airport Boredom

Layovers can be so looong sometimes...
but fun when you are with art buddies.
Photo class at the Canadian Airport

Working on the sketchbook


Sleeping..on the floor
I do love my shoes
foreign money
Fun times