Saturday, July 31, 2010

Supplies for School

Must get ready for school.
What will I take? What will I need?
Lets see...
of course I will need lots of mechanical pencils...
and highlighters.. and playing cards for solitaire
and I'll need a lovely green stapler with a matching plate
and a yellow hole puncher
I cannnot be and art major without my paints!
and of course everyone needs a bowl full of letters.
Alphabet Soup anyone? :D
Oh, and I can't forget about TJ!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A Day in a Small Town

So I went to the small town of Americus this past Saturday with my boyfriend. I will be going to college down there in the fall so I wanted to go and familiarize myself with the town. My sweet boyfriend was kind enough to go with me despite the humidity. :D We had a lovely day. We found the library and the walmart and we even met a tree named "Steve".