So, I feel the need to confess a flaw. I .......... am messy. Very very messy. I have always been messy. Keeping my room clean has always been a problem for me. There is something different now though. Now that I am in college, my mom isn't here to tell me to clean up my room or remind me to put my stuff in the right place. And this is a big problem! I am embarrassed but I have pictures to show how much of a problem I'm having.
I have been living day to day walking over crumpled paper, piles of dirty clothes, and getting who-knows-what stuck to the bottom of my feet. It is disgusting! It is terrible. A few days ago the RA came for room checks and I had to show her my room and all its mess. Humiliating! So I decided to clean it up and also rearrange a little. Haha! My Saturday afternoon was spent cleaning up. So Awesome!
Much better, don't you think.
You can see my floor!! whoo!
Hopefully I can keep it this way. I get stressed out when my room is super messy.

Here I am after hours of cleaning. lol