Sometimes I feel like this little guy. Barely hanging on.
College has turned my life upside down. I am overwhelmed by all the changes that have occurred the past month. I have been so overwhelmed that I can barely function. I have no focus at all. Most of the time, it feels like I am walking around without my glasses on. The world is completely blurring, preventing me from being able to accomplish anything.
The situation I am in right now reminds me of a song by Sanctus Real, "I'm Not Alright".
I feel like the lines, "And when I'm open wide with nothing left to cling to
Only you are there to lead me on" describe exactly what I'm going trough.
I have been forced out of every comfort zone, mainly my family though. I am alone. When I wake up in the morning, my mom isn't there to say 'good morning'. My brother isn't there to beat to the shower. There is no one to greet me with a hug and ask me how my day was. When the stress of a bad day settles on me, there is no one there to pat me on the back and give me a smile of encouragement. "With nothing left to cling to" meaning my family, the core people that I have relied on my whole life, they are no longer around 24/7 and I can't handle it. But "YOU are there to lead me on" meaning my Lord and Savior, the one that has always been there for me and always will be. Lately I have forgotten that. My family may not be with me, but God is. In order to function and survive this new life of mine, I am going to have to remind myself that HE is there for me. I am going to have to remind myself daily... hourly... probably every minute... that HE is there for me to cling to in my time of stress, fear, and loneliness.
"God is the safe-house for the battered,
a sanctuary during bad times.
The moment you arrive, you relax:
you'r never sorry you knocked."
Psalm 9:9
Relying on God is what will end the chaos and stress that is overwhelming me. HE is the one that will hang on to me when I can't. I don't even have to try to hang on myself. HE will do it all for me, if I just surrender.