Saturday, December 25, 2010

The MOST Important Little Thing of December!

Let us not forget
the most important
little thing given to us on this day.
One little baby
Jesus Christ
The greatest gift ever!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

The little things in December

During December,
I get bummed out
when my jeans cover up
my Christmas socks.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Street Sign

Here is a little something that I did for fun today.

I made a street sign today!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Did a tornado just come through here?

So, I feel the need to confess a flaw. I .......... am messy. Very very messy. I have always been messy. Keeping my room clean has always been a problem for me. There is something different now though. Now that I am in college, my mom isn't here to tell me to clean up my room or remind me to put my stuff in the right place. And this is a big problem! I am embarrassed but I have pictures to show how much of a problem I'm having.

I have been living day to day walking over crumpled paper, piles of dirty clothes, and getting who-knows-what stuck to the bottom of my feet. It is disgusting! It is terrible. A few days ago the RA came for room checks and I had to show her my room and all its mess. Humiliating! So I decided to clean it up and also rearrange a little. Haha! My Saturday afternoon was spent cleaning up. So Awesome!
Much better, don't you think.
You can see my floor!! whoo!
Hopefully I can keep it this way. I get stressed out when my room is super messy.
Here I am after hours of cleaning. lol

Friday, October 15, 2010

Printmaking Process

Printmaking is a long, messy, and fun process. I am taking printmaking right now in college and I am thoroughly enjoying it. I would like to explain what all it involves and what I've been doing so far.

carving tools
Our first assignment has been woodcuts. We have to do 3 different woodcuts (I think). A 1 color print, a print with 2 or more colors, and a rainbow roll print. So for woodcuts you will need some wood, carving tools, and time. Oh and maybe some bandaids.

drawing it out
Next, you need to come up with a plan, draw it out, sketch, scribble, think, whatever....

wood chips
then start carving. And when you start carving, you will get a bunch of these little curling wood chips. They are so awesome! ....until you have to start cleaning them up.....

Once you are done carving, get some ink out. The ink is SO much fun to mix and play with but be careful not to pull out more than you are going to use.

After you have mixed the color you like, ink up your piece of wood and print it (or stamp it). :D

carve again
And if you are not happy with your first print, make some changes.

3rd and 4th
And print it again.

Make more changes if necessary and print again.

....and again

Get your hands dirty and....

print again.

Hopefully, if you are lucky, you will finally get something that you like and then edition it. Make as many as you want.
This gnome project has taught me so much. The most important thing that I learned, is that I need to plan things out better. I need to plan ahead and think of every detail. That way I can save time, ink, and paper. On this project I spent way too much time trying to come up with a color scheme. I wasted ink in the process as well. I learned that before I even start inking and even carving, I need to know my idea, my color schemes, and what all I will need to do to turn my idea into art.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


So apparently the lock on the door
of my dorm at school thinks that it is the best! lol
so far it has worked great, so maybe... it is the best.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Hang on!

Sometimes I feel like this little guy. Barely hanging on.

College has turned my life upside down. I am overwhelmed by all the changes that have occurred the past month. I have been so overwhelmed that I can barely function. I have no focus at all. Most of the time, it feels like I am walking around without my glasses on. The world is completely blurring, preventing me from being able to accomplish anything.

The situation I am in right now reminds me of a song by Sanctus Real, "I'm Not Alright".
I feel like the lines, "And when I'm open wide with nothing left to cling to
Only you are there to lead me on" describe exactly what I'm going trough.

I have been forced out of every comfort zone, mainly my family though. I am alone. When I wake up in the morning, my mom isn't there to say 'good morning'. My brother isn't there to beat to the shower. There is no one to greet me with a hug and ask me how my day was. When the stress of a bad day settles on me, there is no one there to pat me on the back and give me a smile of encouragement. "With nothing left to cling to" meaning my family, the core people that I have relied on my whole life, they are no longer around 24/7 and I can't handle it. But "YOU are there to lead me on" meaning my Lord and Savior, the one that has always been there for me and always will be. Lately I have forgotten that. My family may not be with me, but God is. In order to function and survive this new life of mine, I am going to have to remind myself that HE is there for me. I am going to have to remind myself daily... hourly... probably every minute... that HE is there for me to cling to in my time of stress, fear, and loneliness.

"God is the safe-house for the battered,
a sanctuary during bad times.
The moment you arrive, you relax:
you'r never sorry you knocked."
Psalm 9:9

Relying on God is what will end the chaos and stress that is overwhelming me. HE is the one that will hang on to me when I can't. I don't even have to try to hang on myself. HE will do it all for me, if I just surrender.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

UNplanned change

My mother discovered that the inside bottoms of my shoes had mold in them. i guess from walking through too many puddles, but anyways... she made me bleach the bottoms clean and LOOK what happened!

Friday, August 27, 2010

School is in full swing

So. College has officially started and boy, has it been busy!
busy packing my car
busy making my room look awesome
busy making cute GSW friends
busy making TJ exercise
and busy being an informed student,
at the requirement of my sociology teacher.......

not to mention my math homework and printmaking projects.

I am tired.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Day Before

There are two things
you must have
on the day before you
move away to college
1. Tissues
and 2. something chocolate

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Supplies for School

Must get ready for school.
What will I take? What will I need?
Lets see...
of course I will need lots of mechanical pencils...
and highlighters.. and playing cards for solitaire
and I'll need a lovely green stapler with a matching plate
and a yellow hole puncher
I cannnot be and art major without my paints!
and of course everyone needs a bowl full of letters.
Alphabet Soup anyone? :D
Oh, and I can't forget about TJ!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A Day in a Small Town

So I went to the small town of Americus this past Saturday with my boyfriend. I will be going to college down there in the fall so I wanted to go and familiarize myself with the town. My sweet boyfriend was kind enough to go with me despite the humidity. :D We had a lovely day. We found the library and the walmart and we even met a tree named "Steve".

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Starting Anew

This is the summer before I go off to college. And I want it to be a blast.
Here are some things I plan to do with myself before the end of the warm season:

1. Do lots of art; painting, drawing, crafting
2. Take as many photographs as I can
3. Visit to Six Flags
4. Go swimming a lot and get a tan
5. Read my Bible more and more
6. Roadtrip to Savannah
7. Hangout with my family, my friends and my boyfriend as much as possible
8. Sleep under the stars for a night
9. Finish a quilt
10. ....maybe exercise a little